Get An Even Tan This Summer

June 30, 2011 by  
Filed under Skin Care

Now that the hot, sunny summer months are upon us, it is time to think about tanning. What is the best way to get an even tan? Go to for some information you don’t want to miss on this topic. You should know that this subject is full of misconceptions, so beware. There are definitely things you should do and a few things to avoid if you want to achieve that vaunted goal of an even tan. Maybe you are fortunate to live in a sunny area and already know the ropes. Or perhaps you reside in one of the cooler regions of the country and don’t know much about the subject. In any case, there is so much misinformation out there, you had better educate yourself about tanning tips.

Visiting is a good start. Another wise thing to do is begin your tanning indoors. Lost of people forget this step, but a solid base tan is imperative for that all over, bronzed look. So, before you head outdoors, spend some time on the tanning bed and do the job right. Not only is it safer, but you will end up with a beautiful hue, from your head to your toes. Indoors, attempt to keep clothing to a minimum, allowing those nooks and crannies to get light. Straps should be avoided, as well as high waist garments.

After acquiring your base tan, it is time for the real thing, the sun. Quality tanning lotions are your best bet for getting, and maintaining, a perfect tan. If your skin reacts to the sun a lot, use a high SPF tanning lotion to prevent burning. As with any lotion, apply it all over your body or else you will end up with some areas that are lighter than others. This is not what your goal is. To get an even tan, put the lotion on the tops of your ears, in between your thighs, over and around your lips and nose, and on your hands. Would you wash half of your face? No. Then don’t apply tanning lotion unless you get all the nooks and crannies of your body. A complete tan means an even tan.

When in the tanning bed, don’t forget to alternate positions often. This will guarantee that your neck gets tan. The neck area is commonly missed by tanning enthusiasts, mainly because of not moving around during the tanning bed sessions. In addition, use a timer to make sure you don’t fall asleep in the bed, especially if your body is in an unusual position.

Doing these few simple things will provide you with a summer tan that looks great, and keep your skin golden when that beach trip finally comes up.

Need tanning bulbs for that tanning booth or bed in order to get your skin glowing and summer-ready? Visit for everything you’ll need for that sun kissed look!

What are some of the benefits of getting Botox and is it available in Salt Lake City, Utah?

June 29, 2011 by  
Filed under Skin Care

Botox became hugely popular several years ago, when it was discovered to be a safe way of minimizing wrinkles and erasing the obvious signs of crow’s feet. This is possible because it freezes the face, stopping the muscles that move and encourage wrinkles. If you can’t make the movement that causes the wrinkle, then the wrinkle simply won’t appear. It is a treatment that is now available to all, in towns and cities across the world; including Salt Lake City in Utah. Thousands of men and women are taking advantage of this opportunity and as a consequence are feeling more confident in their appearance. But what exactly is Botox? The chemical itself is made up from Clostridium Botulinum, a bacterium that is dangerous if ingested, but not so in a cosmetic capacity. Because it has the effect of freezing muscles, it was originally developed to treat overactive eye spasms, but was soon tried as a cosmetic product.

Botox is now a universally popular way in which to combat unattractive signs of ageing, and to support refreshed, young-looking skin. Because of the small risk level and incredible results, many use it to achieve the new look they desire. Medical spas and clinics all over Utah offer the procedure, with some of the most efficient treatment centers located in and around Salt Lake City. Not only does this treatment help people on the outside, but it has fantastic potential for others on the inside. It has been found to help in medical capacities, such as reducing sweat, helping control migraines and even minimizing arthritis pain.

Chances are, if you were to make an appointment for a Botox treatment at your local salon in Salt Lake City, it would be to have a cosmetic treatment. However, this treatment is wonderfully effective when used to fight migraines and painful headaches. This is positive for both sufferers and doctors, as there are little or no side effects, unlike regular pain killers, that have numerous side effects. No one has conclusively shown how Botox treats migraine pain, but it is thought that the drug obstructs the sensory nerves that pass pain signals to the brain, as well as causing the muscles to relax and diminishing their receptiveness to pain. It has been reported that those receiving injections saw their number of migraines half and the pain lessen severely.

Botox is also wonderful for those dealing with hyperhidrosis (excessive sweat). This is usually treated with prescription anti-perspirant sprays and roll-ons, but none of these have been conclusively proven to help long term. Injections help balance out the problem and can be effective for months on end.

One of the main benefits of getting a Botox treatment at a spa in Salt Lake City is that the treatment can last for 3 to 6 months. This makes it very cost effective, with injections only needed after this time frame. Also, there is no need for anaesthetic, so you can get a treatment in ten minutes flat, then continue on with the rest of your day.

If you want to enjoy the fantastic results that a Botox treatment can provide, then contact a spa or clinic Salt Lake City, and Botox treatments all over Utah!

Learn more about botox salt lake city. Stop by Roxy Albright’s site where you can find out all about botox utah and what it can do for you.

Why Organic Lotions Are the “Natural” Choice

June 28, 2011 by  
Filed under Skin Care

In case you are looking for a lotion for the baby as well as for yourself, the advantages of plant based creams should be inside your mind. You will be startled to know that these herbal creams are available; you can do purchasing very easy. Natural creams have turn out to be very accepted across the world. It’s true that price wise, these all natural creams are a bit expensive, when you check out the advantages of these creams, then you are likely to concur that organic and natural beauty products deserve to be a little bit more.

The usage of artificial pesticides are prohibited by organic standards

According to Wikipedia, a carcinogen is regarded as any element, radiation or radionuclide, which is directly included in intensification of sarcoma or its direct cause.

Most of the consumers who prefer organic lotions, want totally synthetic ingredient free products. These ingredients include parabens, sodium lauryl sulfate, and phthalates, and the reason can be easily understood if you take a look at these definitions.

Based on Wikipedia, Parabens could be defined as a category of harsh chemicals used as preservative substances in many makeup brands and pharmaceutical products. There are some studies, which show that the presence of parabens in the products can cause breast sarcoma.

Phthalates, which are actually esters of phthalic acid, are in essence utilized as ingredients that are added to plastic to increase its clearness, flexibility, longevity and sturdiness.

There are some surfactants which are toxic to animals, humans, and ecosystems and are able to raise the dispersal of some other environmental contaminants. A highly efficient surfactant, called sodium lauryl sulfate is used for the removal of residues and oily stains. This compound can also be seen in industrial products like engine degreasers, car wash soaps and floor cleaners, and it is also used in lesser amounts in household products like toothpastes, organic lotions, shampoos, and shaving foams.

Would you wish for a infant to come anywhere close to these chemicals? Chemical pesticides are more absorbed in the skin of a infant than an adult. This isn’t just about absorption. These harsh chemicals have a capability to keep longer in baby’s system, and that may be really harmful for baby’s health.

Mariana Krambs, who is the main operational head of Sumbody (an organic cosmetic products maker) says, Skin is regarded as your largest organ, and it absorbs more poisons and requires the same kind of nutrients as the rest of your body Just as you wouldn’t intentionally use harsh chemicals as food, you should not put harmful chemicals on the skin!

The truth is that U.S. FDA regulates makeup brands, however the U.S. DA sets the rules of managing organic and natural products. The organic farmers don’t fertilize their fields using sewage sludge, because there are several heavy metals included. They prefer composted manure and harvest remains instead. To fulfill the requirements of the federal government, producers who wish to state that their products are made with natural ingredients must make sure that seventy % of their product is made with organic elements.

So make sure you check the ingredients, and do your own research before purchasing organic lotions.

Learn more about Organic Lotions. Stop by my blog site where you can find out all about Discount Beauty Products and what they can do for you.

What You Should Expect From Today’s Skincare Formulations [Nude Cosmetics]

June 27, 2011 by  
Filed under Skin Care

Our bodies are a true wonder of evolution. The healthy supple skin that contains, protects and describes it, is never so beautiful as when it’s entirely nude. Cosmetics, chemicals, the sun’s radiation, our harsh home and work environments, not to mention the inevitable ravages of time all work to reduce the vitality of the skin. As we get older our skin starts to lose its youthful resilience and the lives we have lived, and the things we have done remain like ghostly palimpsests.

While it is impossible to actually turn back the hands of time, modern day skincare formulations have made it possible to offset some of their consequences and help restore the skin’s natural resilience and vitality. Here are but a few of the most commonly used skincare terms associated with contemporary skin repair products.

## Probiotic or pro-biotic

Probiotics refer to a wide spectrum of microscopic organisms that live symbiotically throughout the body and bestow beneficial (and in some cases essential) effects.

## Bio-available

When a compound is referenced in terms of its bio-availability what is being referred to is the percent of the active element which is absorbed by the body and available to enter into the system for which it is intended.

## Bio-compatible

A material that’s said to be bio-compatible is capable of interacting with the cells of the body in a neutral, natural manner without provoking any toxic or allergic reactions. The more bio-compatible a material is said to be the fewer potential deleterious reactions to it.

## Ethical

Of course, this doesn’t so much reference a product’s potential impact on the body so much as its impact on society and the environment. Whenever possible you need to be looking for skincare products that have not been tested on animals, whose ingredient have been ethically sourced, and whose packaging is as recyclable as possible.

When you’re thinking about various eye creams, hand creams or face moisturisers read the literature carefully whether it is a recognized brand like the UK’s Nude Cosmetics or a smaller, lesser known brand. Know what it is you’re putting on your skin and understand the claims that are being made.

The very best cleansing facial oil money cab buy are available from Nude cosmetics. For naturally sourced face moisturisers visit – For beautiful skin with nothing to hide.

No matter what your skin type these tips can help

June 26, 2011 by  
Filed under Skin Care

Effective skin care approaches are available for all skin types. You will figure it out pretty quickly if you have mismatched your skin type with a product that isn’t right. Proper hydration can be affected by the products you choose for your skin type, make sure they are well matched and clearly labeled. It makes a huge difference for your skin to have the proper amount of moisture, so be sure to drink plenty of water too.

If your skin is oily, we understand the special challenges that plague you every day. You need to keep things basic with your routine. Wash your face a few times each day with a gentle soap and some water. Take care not to take it too far when you wash your face. Using lots of soap and scrubbing really vigorously will strip off all of the oil from your face.

When you are showering or just washing your face, be careful about the water temperature because it does matter. Only lukewarm water is necessary for cleansing the face and avoiding damage to your skin, steaming hot water in the shower isn’t such a great idea. Removing all of the oil from your skin will only dry it out which is the effect hot water will have. You have tiny capillaries in your face that can be broken if you use cold water and shock your skin. Dry skin is especially sensitive, be sure not to cleanse too much it will irritate your skin more. Perhaps the best tactic for you is to cleanse only at night but try different times to find the right one for your skin. Plain warm water is all that is usually necessary in the morning. Also, for dry skin you can safely use a cream on your skin after splashing on water so your skin will have added protection from the elements.

To avoid transferring dirt and oil from your hands to your face wash them first. This morning wash will remove oils as well as night creams. If you use cleansers regularly it’s important to remember not to over cleanse. People with dry skin types will benefit from a light moisturizer whereas those with oily skin probably don’t need it.

If you have dry skin try using a toner or cosmetic milk to add freshening to your routine. These skin care products will not upset the balance of your skin moisture when used properly. Using these products will easily remove all of the daily impurities our skin tends to attract. The refreshes, clean, soft, supple feeling you’ll get with these two products will have you raving to your friends like so many others already do. As you first start researching products and trying to figure out what is going to work for your skin type you’ll soon realize this is the most difficult part of good skin care. Now that you’ve found the products right for your skin type it’s important to stay with the one that works. You may find that it will take some time to actually find the product that works for you so remember just be persistent.

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Why Use Natural Beauty Products and Organic Lotion

June 25, 2011 by  
Filed under Skin Care

Are you looking for info on organic lotion? If so you have come to the right place, and I hope you find the material informative.

There are several kinds of skin sensitivity that makes it very difficult to use just any kind of lotion or any other skin item without causing any skin irritation. One of the top alternatives for people afflicted with skin sensitivity is to attempt utilizing purely natural ointment which has gentle ingredients that’s recognized to trigger less, or even no, skin irritation whatsoever. It has been shown to be considerably less hazardous to utilize than any other recognized beauty products that’s commercially produced.

One form of illness that can cause really frustrating adverse skin reactions is Coeliac Illness. It may not be a commonly talked about disease, but those folks that encounter it have difficulty buying cosmetic products that wouldn’t cause any adverse reactions. What primarily happens to people with Coeliac disease is the experiencing of allergic reactions with certain items which contain gluten. Gluten is mainly identified in items with rye, barley, wheat, and oats. Using organic lotion that’s gluten free may be a viable answer.

Sadly you will find a lot of items, such as cosmetics ones, that contain gluten, which can turn out to be harmful or even fatal in small amounts. But with organic based items, and organic lotion it is assured that it’s totally gluten free and safe for all those that have a high degree of skin sensitivity, like people with Coeliac disease. There are numerous types of organic lotion existing within the marketplace today, which makes it a more available option for a lot of consumers today.

There are a lot of benefits that can be achieved in utilizing organic items, such as organic lotion. It is not just mild to the skin but some also have therapeutic effects, which can assist in healing various skin conditions. Sunburn, various wounds, and skin irritations are just some skin conditions which could be remedied with organic lotion. It is not only helpful in treating skin issues, but organic lotion also has moisturizing effects on your skin to keep it hydrated.

Organic lotion is safe for people of any age. Even children can use it daily without worries of damaging the skin. It has no identified strong or toxic components, which makes it safe for anyone to use, so you don’t have to be anxious about applying too much on your skin since it is completely safe. Sometimes it’s even preferred by people with a skin condition because of its hypoallergenic properties and its beneficial effects on their skin.

For those people having sensitive skin and are dealing with acne problems, it’s really difficult to settle for a product that can deal with both. There is a number of acne fighting products that have ingredients that are too strong for sensitive skin, which sometimes causes skin irritation. When Worse comes to worst, the simple acne problem can developed into a major skin problem that needs serious medical attention. That’s why it’s safer to try using natural organic skin care and organic lotion treatments to see if it can provide you with excellent results.
Summer sunflower lotion The Benefits of Organic Beauty Products and Organic Lotion

So, if you have some skin problems that you need to deal with, try the safer natural beauty products first. Organic beauty products in the market are economical and at the same time, safe to use. You don’t have to spend money on expensive lotions to get your skin moisturized. Try an organic lotion today and see if it is right for you.

Looking to find the best deal on organic lotions, then visit my web page to find the best advice on discount beauty products for you.

Sunless Tanning Solutions You Should Know About

June 24, 2011 by  
Filed under Skin Care

With sunless tanning products, you can have the look of someone who spends hours on the beach without taking the time or taking the risks of being in the sun. If you’re looking for a safe way to get a tan, you have quite a few products to choose from nowadays. Let’s look at some of these options and how they work, so you can safely get the tan that you want.

Just as direct sunlight poses health risks, so do tanning salons that expose you to ultra violet rays. One option for those who want the convenience of going to a salon without the exposure to UV light are sunless tanning booths. There are salons that apply your tan by airbrushing a sunless tanning product on your body. If you like this method of getting a tan, another option is to get your own airbrush kit, though this is not as convenient as having it done at a salon.

The active ingredient in these products is DHA, which is also present in popular cosmetics and is safe to use. Additionally, you don’t have to go to these salons as often as a conventional tanning salon, as these applications last much longer.

If you want to get optimum results from sunless tanning products, you must do the right preparation before using them. One recommendation you should follow prior to using a tanning product is exfoliation, which is simply the process of washing away dead skin. This is a way to prepare your skin so that the tanning product can work most efficiently.

One precaution that you should remember is to wear protective gloves so you don’t stain your hands when applying tanning products. If you don’t want to irritate your skin, it’s not a good idea to shave before applying self tanning products. Don’t apply any products without first studying the instructions carefully, as leaving out any steps could spoil the whole effect.

Everyone’s skin is a little different, so make sure you remember this when you buy sunless tanning products. People with lighter or darker skin, for instance, have to be sure that they’ve chosen the product made for their skin type. Light is for people whose skin is very fair and who tend to get sun burnt easily. If your skin is darker (but not so dark that you don’t need a tan at all!) choose a product made for dark skin. Many people are in between and should choose “medium.” You’ll find that some products are even more specific, and will have choices such as medium-dark or medium-light. The main thing to remember is to ensure you’re buying the product appropriate for your skin type.

When you look for sunless tanning products, such as the ones mentioned above, make sure you study the labels and get something that’s right for you. Some products make different formulas for different skin types, so be sure that you choose the correct one. If you want not only a product that gives you a tan, but one that also moisturizes or skin or perhaps provides sunscreen protection, the labels or promotional material for the product will tell you if it does this or not. Sunless tanning products make it possible to enjoy the benefits of a natural and healthy looking tan without taking the time -or risks- of conventional tanning methods.

You can also get great information from Diana on subjects like Click here and many other obscure subjects just by visiting one of her many sites.

Baby Skin Care Techniques to Help New Parents

June 23, 2011 by  
Filed under Skin Care

Youthful skin is one of the pursuits that most adults engage in or at least wish they had. There are products in every price range to help. For those who can afford it and some others who can’t, it isn’t an issue to shell out hundreds of dollars in an effort to retain our glamorous skin. It is important that you realize that you need to develop a good skin care routine for your infant early on if you want to make sure that his (or her) skin retains that healthy glow for as long as possible. In this article you will find tips that you can put to use right away.

Your baby’s bath can be short; it does not have to be long. In fact, keeping your newborn in the bath for too long can actually be harmful! Your baby’s bath time shouldn’t last longer than five minutes–all you need to do is get her wet, soap her up and rinse her off. After your baby’s bath is done apply a tiny bit of moisturizer or baby lotion and then towel your baby dry with a soft towel. To ensure that rashes and yeast infections don’t develop make sure you dry your baby completely. Remember how rolly and polly a newborn baby’s skin is! You want to use a soft towel to do the drying!

You should always check the label on your baby’s skin care products. You shouldn’t buy products that contain added fragrances, dyes, parabens or phthalates. All of these ingredients are irritants for baby skin and could cause your child to develop any number of skin conditions. After all, the last thing you want to do is accidentally cause a skin condition to develop after taking so much care to keep your baby’s skin clean. Gentle skin care products are the best skin care products. Consider asking your pediatrician for help if you aren’t sure which skin care products are best for your baby.

Try to keep your baby out of direct sunlight until he or she is six months old because regular sunlight is far too harsh for a newborn’s skin to deal with. After your baby is six months old the direct sunlight won’t be as big an issue but you still want to make sure that every milimeter of skin not covered with clothing or a hat is covered in strong baby friendly sunscreen.

Two extra precautions that you should take to protect your baby against sun damage are hats and using umbrellas for shade. If your baby does get a sunburn help him feel better by applying a cool damp cloth for between ten and fifteen minutes two or three times a day.

You have a lot of options to choose from to help you protect your child’s skin. Developing a good baby skin care regimen early in your child’s life will help them develop good skin care routines later on in life.

Don’t forget to care for your baby’s whole body when you are putting together a baby skin care routine.

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Use Of Stretch Mark Cream For Stretch Mark Prevention

June 22, 2011 by  
Filed under Skin Care

Once you start seeing spider web like marks on your thigh or belly you can be sure you’ve got stretch marks! Studies show that stretch marks can still be reversible in its early stages as long as you apply an effective stretch mark cream. But once they have turned permanent it can be very difficult to remove them. There are so many creams you can buy in the market but you must know what to look for in the right product to use. If your stretch marks are caused by your pregnancy, it is safe to use a cream made of organic ingredients so it will not harm you or your unborn baby.

It is quite depressing to see your skin develop stretch marks. We get too busy with our lives that we fail to take time out to take care of our body. Stretch marks happen when we have a sudden weight gain and our skin is stretched beyond its limits. I developed nasty stretch marks on the abdomen when my belly bloated during pregnancy. After I gave birth I was too conscious about wearing low cut jeans and bikini bottoms. They don’t do much to cover my abdominal scars. Fortunately by using a stretch mark cream made of cocoa butter the appearance of the scars lessened. You just have to be diligent in applying them everyday like I did.

Stretch marks are breaks on the skin where it experienced sudden stretching. People, more often women opt to have these scars removed because they are an unsightly thing to see on their skin. There are different methods of stretch mark removal. There are various lotions, creams and ointments you can apply on your skin that are very effective in the gradual elimination of these scars. If money is not a problem, some people opt for laser treatments or corrective surgery. A tummy tuck is performed on someone who has stretch mark scars on their belly. This procedure may be expensive but it guarantees that you will be rid of these scars for good.

Doing ways to prevent the occurrence of stretch marks is a lot easier than corrective measures in eliminating them. Stretch marks are permanent scars on the skin brought on by the tearing and breaking of the layers due to stretching. There are many measures you can do for stretch mark prevention. Drinking lots of water keeps your skin hydrated which maintains its elasticity. By being more elastic skin doesn’t break as easily. Apply effective stretch mark creams that encourage collagen production. If you are on a weight gain or weight loss program incorporate exercises that can help strenghten your skin so it won’t break or tear due to sudden stretching.

Pregnancy is one of the most common reasons for the appearance of stretch marks for most women. Almost 90% of the women in US along have stretch marks after giving birth. You can choose to spend huge money in removing them. Or you can use creams and lotion that are commercially available, but cannot truly remove the scars. How about trying some homemade pregnancy stretch mark cream that is proven and effective? This is probably the well-known stretch mark remover cream. Cocoa butter, wheat germ oil, apricot kernel oil, Vitamin oil, grated beeswax – these are the things you need to create your homemade cream. For best result continue to apply this cream while moisturizing your body living in a healthy lifestyle.

Visit my sites and find out more about dermology stretch mark cream and best stretch mark cream.

Sunless Tanning Products, A Good Alternative?

June 21, 2011 by  
Filed under Skin Care

There are now quite a few sunless tanning products that will give you a tan without your having to visit a tanning salon or lie in the sun for hours. You can find a wide array of products and methods that can give you a sunless tan, as we will soon see. By trying out various products and doing research, you can find the approach that gives you the look that you want. You may find that one of the following products is just the one you need to give you the perfect tan.

While too much sun can be hazardous, a conventional tanning booth is no different in that these expose you to the same type of UV light as you get from the sun. Another possibility, though, are sunless tanning booths that give you a tan without exposing you to UV rays. This is a system that applies a tanning product with an airbrush, which is a highly effective way to give you an even, natural looking tan. Of course, you can get such a kit yourself, but it’s much easier if a trained professional does it for you.

There are bion tanning lamps that many people like because they’re small and easy to transport. There’s no lotion to apply; you can get tan while surfing the internet, watching television or reading the newspaper. This isn’t a bulky device, but a lamp that can rest on any table or desk in your home. If you want to bring it to work or on vacation, it’s extremely portable. The main drawback is that your whole body doesn’t get tan, only your face, so in this regard it’s a limited solution. But they can be great if you just want to look tan when you go to work or a social event.

If you want a portable and simple tanning option, you may like a bion tanning lamp. You simply let the device do its job while you sit there and do whatever you want. You can use a bion tanner anywhere you want, as it’s a compact lamp that takes up little room. This type of device is also easy to transport, in case you prefer to use it at your office. If, however, you want your entire body to be tan, this type of machine probably won’t satisfy you, as it only works on your face. Many people, however, like them so they can have a tan look at the office or maybe a party.

This type of product will make your skin feel as good as it looks, so you may want to use it every day. Since not every sunless tanning product has this benefit, you’ll have to go out of your way to look for it if you want one that’s also a moisturizer.

The above are some of the leading options for getting a tan without taking the unnecessary risks associated with direct sunlight. With so many products to choose from, it’s just a matter of finding the one that fits your preferences and lifestyle. In some cases, there are special instructions you have to follow with certain products (like wearing gloves), so always pay attention to these.

You can also get great information from Diana on subjects like Click here and many other obscure subjects just by visiting one of her many sites.

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