Eat The Right Foods To Treat Your Sensitive Skin Well

May 17, 2012 by  
Filed under Skin Care

While women are buying skin care products with all the fancy ingredients to lift and firm, you are stuck using the mild stuff with none of those benefits. Why? You have sensitive skin. You know that putting something on your face, no matter how mild they claim it is, will only cause problems for you and your skin.

What can be done about this? How can you, a person with sensitive skin, get the same great benefits that women are getting from their fancy products? Skip the outside and start with the inside.

Rather than applying expensive anti-aging products on your skin, you can eat them. Now, of course, I don’t mean you should eat your expensive night cream or any other store-bought skin products, but you can eat the effective ingredients in them.

Your skin is your largest organ. Therefore, the benefits of eating anti-aging ingredients will be similar to applying them directly to your skin. Here are some food items that have benefits for your sensitive skin:

Green tea: Skin care products on the market now often contain green tea. But, these products may contain other ingredients that you are sensitive to. Instead, why not just drink the green tea and enjoy the same benefits? That way you will avoid the skin reactions while benefiting your entire body, inside and out. Other benefits of green tea are lower cholesterol, weight loss, and possibly a lower risk of cancer.

Cucumbers: Increase your vegetable intake every day and your skin will thank you. More fruits and vegetables in your diet will have a positive effect on the overall appearance of your skin. What else can you expect? How about weight loss and more energy? That’s not such a bad thing, is it.

Vitamin C: Increase your intake of oranges and other vitamin C rich fruits and vegetables. The anti-oxidants in them are wonderful for your skin. You’ll also be hydrating your skin when you eat more fruits and vegetables. See how food works all together to make you beautiful and healthy?

Never forget that your skin is your largest organ. Whether you’re putting skin care products on it, or feeding it from the inside with nutritious food, your skin will show the efforts you make. If you have sensitive skin or not, choosing to use these healthy foods to improve your skin will show – on your skin and in your wallet. No more fancy lotions, just head to the grocery store.

Looking for more healthy ways to treat your skin right? Visit us at where you’ll find recipes and homemade beauty tips to help you look, and feel, your best – naturally!

Protect Your Delicate Skin – It’s Not Just About Beauty

May 8, 2012 by  
Filed under Skin Care

We know that we must protect our skin each day from the harmful effects of the sun’s rays. But, when you go shopping for sun protection products, do the labels confuse you? Let’s take a look at basic information about UVA rays and UVB rays and why neither is safe.

UVA rays are the rays that penetrate the deeper layers of the skin. Present all day at a fairly even intensity, UVA rays can fool you. They may seem, even feel, harmless. Don’t be fooled – UVA rays penetrate clouds and glass.

Until recently, UVA rays were considered relatively benign, causing only cosmetic damage to the skin, like aging and wrinkling. Now it is known that exposure to UVA rays causes cumulative tissue damage and can result in skin cancer.

We rarely see the immediate damage to our skin upon exposure to UVA rays, but damage is occurring beneath the skin’s surface. Because UVA rays are not causing the damage to skin we know as a sunburn, many of us believe that we can be exposed to “normal” daylight without protection. We now know that when we expose our bare skin to UVA rays during any daylight hours, even cloudy days, our DNA is desperately making attempts to protect itself from damage, mutating and setting the stage for skin cancer.

Tanning booths expose users to primarily UVA rays, sometimes at an alarming rate of 10 to 12 times that of the sun’s rays. The Skin Cancer Foundation studies show that suntanning booth users are twice as likely to develop skin cancer. If you started using a tanning booth when you were young, your melanoma risks increase as much as 75 percent. So, the answer is no; there is no such thing as a SAFE tanning booth.

UVB rays affect the skin’s outer layers, causing the reddening and burning that we are familiar with. UVB rays cause wrinkling and aging, drying, and all those things you can see on the surface of your skin. This includes skin cancer.

The difference between UVA rays and UVB rays can actually be felt. UVA rays are pretty consistent throughout the day, while UVB rays are more intense during certain times of the day and the year. This may catch you off guard though if you are not informed about how tricky these UVB rays can be. Even on a snow covered mountain, UVB rays are bouncing off the white snow and right into your face. When you get back to the chalet with rosy cheeks and a red nose, it could be from the sun and not from the cold. The guidelines, stay out of the sun between 10 am and 4 pm, don’t always apply, either. Ask anyone who spent time on the beaches of Florida.

Your dermatologist or esthetician will advise you to use skin protection products that contain an SPF of 15 or higher. This is not just a recommendation to prevent premature skin aging. This is to protect your health. Some professionals may suggest a much higher SPF, even 70, for your face, neck, and hands, especially if your family history would indicate a necessity.

Talk to your skin care specialist for his or her personal recommendation for you. Your esthetician or dermatologist will be able to advise you on your specific needs based on your skin type and history. Follow the advice of your skin care professional and protect your skin each and every day.

Skin protection starts with professional skin care. Charlotte Field is a Skin Care Specialist offering Facials in Pensacola, Florida. She specializes in Anti-aging, Relaxation and Results. Learn more about Charlotte’s professional services at

You Should Learn About Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome And The Tendency To Bruise Easily!

May 5, 2012 by  
Filed under Skin Care

When you realize that you seem to have a fresh bruise on a daily basis, and the bruises seem to be very dark even when you have no memory of getting them, you’ll come to the conclusion that it is the proper time for to evaluate what could be causing the bruising. Naturally, you or your friends may assume that you’re afflicted with one of the most serious conditions for which bruising easily is a symptom.

Its much more common that you are simply suffering from easy bruising that is caused by normal aging. One of the not so common disorders that might be linked to easy bruising is Ehlers- Danlos syndrome, so what do you need to know about it?

You may have some knowledge of blood clotting disorders and diseases that can cause bruising easily, but you probably don’t know that certain connective tissue disorders could also be an easy bruising cause? By examining the Ehlers-Danlos Syndromes, you will learn about a group of connective tissue diseases that are discovered in places like the joints and ligaments, blood vessels, and certain internal organs. Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome is usually considered to be an inheritable disorder, and most of these disorders are focused on fibrillar collagens which have been caused by gene mutation.

When examining the Ehlers-Danlos Syndromes, you should recognize that they are numerous symptoms that are associated with them. General symptoms would likely include easily stretched skin, skin hyper mobility, and frail tissues.

When researching the range of varied conditions that will fit under the definition of Ehlers-Danlos, you’ll discover six specific varieties altogether. They include classical, vascular, hyper mobility, arthrochalasia, dermatosparaxis, and kyphoscoliosis.

For each of these variations, bruising easily is something that can act as a warning sign, thanks to the presence of the increased fragility of the tissues which leads to more damage. Treatment of this syndrome will include things like skin protection, joint protection, joint strengthening exercises, and improved wound care. In the majority of cases, it is thought that about 90% of people who have this condition do not find out until an emergency situation occurs, and they need urgent, medical attention.

While trying to determine the reasons why you continually suffer from easy bruising, it is essential to properly interpret the signs that your body keeps giving you. There are lots of reasons why you should consider consulting with a doctor about this disorder, especially if you are concerned that one of your parents might have been affected by the disorder.

Spend the time necessary to really consider what your options are, but if you are determined that you really are going to overcome your tendency for easy bruising, then you need to do a complete evaluation of the all natural Bruises Be Banned daily supplement program. This proprietary program has helped people worldwide who suffer being prone to bruise easily to stop bruising easily completely.

Jan Doan, the “Doctor of Bruiseology” is recognized as the sole author to have authored an entire reference book on bruising, teaching people why they bruise, and how they can avoid bruising. You can get for yourself Part I of the new Desktop Reference Book on bruising causes free and learn the best way to get past the nightmares of easy bruising and how to prevent bruising

Are You Aware Of The Link Between Your Being Prone To Bruise Easily And Hemophilia?

May 4, 2012 by  
Filed under Skin Care

If you have noticed recently that you have become prone to bruise easily for no apparent reason, you’re probably wondering about the cause. Although the tendency to bruise easily is often just a function of growing older, it might be seen as a symptom of a more severe medical condition.

When your family and friends start to give well meaning but ill advised advice as to what may be causing your bruising condition, it will be time to educate yourself as to the varied possibilities for your easy bruising. One concern that you’re likely to hear repeatedly is that you might be afflicted with hemophilia.

First, the thing that you need to recognize is that hemophilia is a genetic disorder that is present at birth; it is not something that develops spontaneously. The term hemophilia actually refers to a set of disorders that all have to do with problems related to blood clotting or blood coagulation.

For the commonest form of hemophilia, testing finds that this problem occurs in between 1 out of 5,000 to 10,000 births, while the next most common form will be diagnosed in 1 of about 20,000 to 34,000 births. As you can readily surmise, the chance of discovering this condition as an adult without having had a diagnosis as a child is extremely remote.

When educating yourself about hemophilia, remember that there are different levels that are associated with this disorder. Mild hemophilia is a condition where most sufferers only worry if they are going to be undergoing surgery or extensive dental work. On the other hand, moderate hemophilia refers to a level where bleeding and easy bruising occur. With moderate hemophilia, mild abrasions like scratching an insect bite or even brushing your teeth can become a problem. With severe hemophilia, even mild physical trauma can create extremely serious conditions that need immediate medical treatment.

One reason why hemophilia is often indicated by easy bruising is because even minor contusions can create an inordinate quantity of blood flow. Because a hemophiliac’s blood does not readily clot, this will mean that the bruises that form seem to materialize from the ether and seem to be a great deal more dramatic in their appearance than they seem like they should be.

All this having been said, it is highly unlikely that you would begin to exhibit the symptoms of hemophilia as an adult; and in practically every instance, people have been diagnosed with this condition well before they are fully mature. What is a much more probable conclusion is that you are suffering from being prone to bruising easily because of other issues. Aging or menopause could be the most likely answer when it relates to bruising more easily.

When you are evaluating your options for combating your tendency to bruise easily, you really must give strong consideration to the all natural Bruises Be Banned daily supplement program. This specifically formulated daily treatment program can help you stop bruising easily completely just likes it has successfully done so for other people all over the globe.

Jan Doan, the “Doctor of Bruiseology” is recognized as the sole author to have written an entire reference book on bruising, teaching people why they bruise, and how they can avoid bruising. You can obtain for yourself Part I of the new Desktop Reference Book on bruising causes free and learn the best way to get beyond the nightmares of easy bruising and how to prevent bruising