Who Will Gain From Laser Hair Removal?

August 20, 2009 by  
Filed under Skin Care

If you are determined about doing away with unwanted hair, you most likely think about laser hair removal, which is a cosmetic medical technique that uses a laser beam ” an forceful, pulsating emission of light. The method destroys hair by passing a ray of light through the skin, directed at melanin, the dark pigment in hair. Once the ray hits the hair follicle ” the position where hair growth occurs ” its strong temperature destroys the hair follicle right, successfully destroying the hair.

Who Might Benefit from Laser Hair Removal?

The method of using a laser to remove hair were first introduced in the late 1990s, but back then, the technologies limited the technique to light skinned individuals with black hair as the initial sorts of lasers were not able to discriminate between the skin pigment and hair follicles, which led to the burning of patients with darker skin or fair skin and pale hair. But, current laser technology has advanced to let patients of every skin and hair types to gain from laser hair removal.

Normal therapy spots for laser hair removal include upper lip, legs, back, armpits, chin and bikini line, but in nearly any location of the body it is feasible to treat unwelcome hair.

Exactly How Successful is Laser Hair Removal?

Hair removal by laser is over and over again referred to as lasting, however the method does not strictly guarantee permanent hair removal, but it does increase the hair-free phase from a couple of months to up to numerous years. Long-term (if not permanent) hair removal is most likely to happen when the patient undertakes many treatments.

Laser hair removal is a great deal faster than electrolysis, the most important “permanent” hair removal alternative. For instance, professionals says that it takes only 5 to 10 minutes to zap all the hairs during a bikini area treatment with laser hair removal versus five to 10 hours to treat the same area with electrolysis. This is since with laser hair removal a group of hair follicles can be targeted together rather than just one by one, as with electrolysis.

What are the Risks Associated with Laser Hair Removal?

Hair removal with laser maintains to be the most important hair removal method performed in North America, and patients can feel sure that the modus operandi will be a safe, swift and efficient procedure to get rid of unwanted hair.

Patients must at all times decide on a authorized, educated doctor who is board certified in dermatology or a similar specialty to carry out the treatment.

It is firmly recommended not to have laser hair removal done at a spa, salon or clinic that allows nonmedical personnel to perform the procedure.

Though complications from laser hair removal are rare, possible complications or risks may include:

Hair Regrowth

Imperfect hair removal or regrowth because of hair that is resilient to the laser treatment might take place. Hair changes may also take place, including lighter or finer hair regrowth, or the increased growth of hair in regions bordering to the treated areas.


Burning might take place if a patient is treated with laser technique that is not right for their skin class or color; patients should take care that clinics have set their laser parameters specifically for them.

Hypopigmentation and Hyperpigmentation

Hyperpigmentation (darkening of the skin) and hypopigmentation (lightening of the skin) may trigger spots to develop that are either darker or lighter than your normal skin tone due to an excess or shortage of melanin. These conditions generally takes place as a consequence of sun exposure after a laser hair removal; we recommend that all patients stay out of the sun for a minimum of two weeks before and 2 weeks after every procedure since when skin is not in its natural (un-tanned) state, it becomes hard to adjust the laser parameters correctly, therefore increasing the risk of hyper- or hypopigmentation as a side effect.

Other, more atypical complications may include:

Blistering and scarring

Changes in skin’s texture

Crusting or scabbing

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