Protect Your Delicate Skin – It’s Not Just About Beauty

May 8, 2012 by  
Filed under Skin Care

We know that we must protect our skin each day from the harmful effects of the sun’s rays. But, when you go shopping for sun protection products, do the labels confuse you? Let’s take a look at basic information about UVA rays and UVB rays and why neither is safe.

UVA rays are the rays that penetrate the deeper layers of the skin. Present all day at a fairly even intensity, UVA rays can fool you. They may seem, even feel, harmless. Don’t be fooled – UVA rays penetrate clouds and glass.

Until recently, UVA rays were considered relatively benign, causing only cosmetic damage to the skin, like aging and wrinkling. Now it is known that exposure to UVA rays causes cumulative tissue damage and can result in skin cancer.

We rarely see the immediate damage to our skin upon exposure to UVA rays, but damage is occurring beneath the skin’s surface. Because UVA rays are not causing the damage to skin we know as a sunburn, many of us believe that we can be exposed to “normal” daylight without protection. We now know that when we expose our bare skin to UVA rays during any daylight hours, even cloudy days, our DNA is desperately making attempts to protect itself from damage, mutating and setting the stage for skin cancer.

Tanning booths expose users to primarily UVA rays, sometimes at an alarming rate of 10 to 12 times that of the sun’s rays. The Skin Cancer Foundation studies show that suntanning booth users are twice as likely to develop skin cancer. If you started using a tanning booth when you were young, your melanoma risks increase as much as 75 percent. So, the answer is no; there is no such thing as a SAFE tanning booth.

UVB rays affect the skin’s outer layers, causing the reddening and burning that we are familiar with. UVB rays cause wrinkling and aging, drying, and all those things you can see on the surface of your skin. This includes skin cancer.

The difference between UVA rays and UVB rays can actually be felt. UVA rays are pretty consistent throughout the day, while UVB rays are more intense during certain times of the day and the year. This may catch you off guard though if you are not informed about how tricky these UVB rays can be. Even on a snow covered mountain, UVB rays are bouncing off the white snow and right into your face. When you get back to the chalet with rosy cheeks and a red nose, it could be from the sun and not from the cold. The guidelines, stay out of the sun between 10 am and 4 pm, don’t always apply, either. Ask anyone who spent time on the beaches of Florida.

Your dermatologist or esthetician will advise you to use skin protection products that contain an SPF of 15 or higher. This is not just a recommendation to prevent premature skin aging. This is to protect your health. Some professionals may suggest a much higher SPF, even 70, for your face, neck, and hands, especially if your family history would indicate a necessity.

Talk to your skin care specialist for his or her personal recommendation for you. Your esthetician or dermatologist will be able to advise you on your specific needs based on your skin type and history. Follow the advice of your skin care professional and protect your skin each and every day.

Skin protection starts with professional skin care. Charlotte Field is a Skin Care Specialist offering Facials in Pensacola, Florida. She specializes in Anti-aging, Relaxation and Results. Learn more about Charlotte’s professional services at

Follow A Simple 5 Minute Skin Care Plan To Look 5 Years Younger

April 11, 2012 by  
Filed under Skin Care

If your skin looks dull, it could be because you’re not treating it well. Your skin has a job to do, and that is to protect us. You should be returning the favor by protecting your skin. Each and every day, do something special to show your skin that you appreciate the work it does for you. We’re not saying you have to spend hours in front of a mirror, pampering your skin with all kinds of expensive potions or gadgets that make outrageous claims of turning the clock back 20 years or more.

There are just 5 simple things that you can do every day to ensure your skin looks youthful and radiant. Here they are.

1. The right way to cleanse.

Your face needs to be cleansed both in the morning and again in the evening. Your cleanser should be matched to your skin type; a gel is often preferred for oily skin; a cream is better for dry skin types. Your cleanser does not have to foam to be effective, although if a sudsy face makes you happy, go ahead and get a cleanser that foams. When you apply your cleanser, be sure to follow the directions, using a light touch, and washing gently for at least 30 seconds. Then rinse well with clean water and pat dry. If you wear make-up or heavy sunscreen, be sure to wash and rinse twice; once to remove the make-up and the second time to get down to business and cleanse your skin.

2. A good toner is important.

A toner should balance the skin’s protective barrier by creating an active antioxidant shield to fight damaging free radicals. Some ingredients to look for in a toner are white tea, vitamin C, and hyaluronic acid (hyaluronic acid holds 1,000 times its weight in water). Also, if your cleanser is not ph-balanced, be sure to choose a toner that will restore your skin to a balanced ph factor.

3. Exfoliate routinely.

A gentle, non-abrasive exfoliation is necessary to clear dead skin cells from your skin’s surface. Exfoliating helps the skin renewal process and reveals a brighter, clearer complexion. Exfoliating also allows moisturizers to penetrate deeper into your skin. Exfoliation is good, but more is not always better. Be careful not to over-exfoliate or scrub your skin harshly. If you have oily skin, over-exfoliating will cause the oil glands to over-produce oil to compensate for the oil that you have stripped away. Obviously this can cause more clogging and more shine on an already oily face. So, exfoliate often, but gently, and your skin will love you for it.

4. Keep that moisturizer coming.

Hydrate and protect the skin with a moisturizer for your skin type. Choose moisturizers that will also combat the effects of pollutions on the skin. Some ingredients to look for are yeast, and Vitamins A, C & E. Moisturizing is equally important whether you have dry skin or oily skin, especially when you choose a moisturizer with added vitamins. Just like the other organs in your body, your skin needs regular nourishment. Feed it with a quality moisturizer.

5. Sunscreen is for every day.

Your healthy skin depends on the daily use of sunscreen. The sun causes about 99% of all the signs of aging you can see on your skin. Your face is quite susceptible to sun damage since it’s exposed to the sun on a regular basis; walking in and out of buildings or even driving your car puts your skin at risk. If your morning moisturizer does not contain sunscreen, be sure you find a good product to apply on top of your moisturizer. If you plan to be outdoors for an extended period of time, move your SPF up a few notches for optimum protection. The FDA-approved ingredients titanium dioxide and zinc oxide are the preferred choices.

What else can you do to look and feel years younger?

Your routine skincare regime will start you off on the right foot, but you need to treat your whole body for optimum results. The proper diet plan, regular exercise, and drinking plenty of water will propel you into feeling younger and looking younger in no time. Back that up with regular monthly visits to your Skin Care Professional and your complexion will always have that youthful, ravishing appearance you long for.

Charlotte Field is a Skin Care Specialist specializing in Anti-aging, Relaxation and Results. If you’re looking for a Day Spa in Pensacola, FL visit

Make Healthy Skin A Priority – 7 Simple Skin Care Tips

March 27, 2012 by  
Filed under Skin Care

We start out each day intending to care for our skin properly. Starting with a good cleansing, sometimes with an exfoliating scrub, then followed with a toner and moisturizer; we know the routine.

During the course of our daily routine, somehow our skin care falls to the bottom of our priorities. With this hit-and-miss approach to skin care, our once healthy youthful looking skin suffers. The results we see are disappointing to say the least. But, you can regain your bright glowing skin again by following these 7 simple daily steps:

1. Follow a Daily Skin Care Regimen Each Morning – If you have been giving your face a quick scrub and splash of water each morning, you are missing the mark. Your esthetician or dermatologist can recommend a simple but complete skin care regimen that is suited to your skin type. The trick is to follow the steps of cleansing, toning, and moisturizing each day to get the full benefits of the products.

2. Apply a Proper Sunscreen Every Morning – Sun damage is cumulative and not limited to a sunny beach. Those minutes we spend moving around outdoors from our car to the office, school, or store add up. The fact is 95% of skin’s aging comes from sun damage caused by these daily exposures to the sun’s rays. Work sunscreen into your morning routine easily by using products that already contain sunscreen. If your moisturizer has an SPF factor built in, you won’t have to give it a second thought.

3. Drink A Lot Of Water All Day – Moist, firm, flexible, strong skin requires a solid base of hydration underneath the surface. Water also flushes toxins out of your body which helps your overall health as well as the well-being of your skin. Keep water by your side all day long; don’t wait until you feel thirsty to drink water as thirst is a sign that dehydration has already occurred. Drink enough water throughout the day so you have consumed around 64 or more ounces of water by the end of the day.

4. Eat Lots of Fruits and Vegetables Each Day – Fruits and vegetables that are high in antioxidants and fiber, along with vitamins and minerals, are skin’s natural age fighters. Add a handful of blueberries to your breakfast cereal. Toss raw broccoli and carrots in your salad at lunchtime. Peel an orange at snack time. Roast a combination of summer squash, tomatoes, and Brussels sprouts for dinner. End the day with a snack of fresh strawberries. Go ahead and add nuts to this category to get an even more well- rounded skincare diet.

5. Follow a Skin Care Regimen Nightly – Your skin has dealt with all those nasty elements out there all day long. It’s time to give it some special attention. Even if you don’t wear a lot of foundation or eye makeup, your skin needs cleansing and moisturizing. Talk to your dermatologist or esthetician about nightly skin care products that fit your skin type and your budget. With just a few items, you can soothe and quiet your skin and get it ready for rest.

6. Professional Cleansing and Healing Facials – Your skin care specialist is your best source for information about products for your particular skin type. Plan to include a regular deep cleansing, exfoliation, and healing facial in your routine professional skin care for optimum skin health. When you work with a profession esthetician on a routine basis, he or she will watch for changing conditions and will be able to advise you on techniques that will help you maintain healthier skin. A visit to your esthetician once a month is recommended, but if this doesn’t fit your schedule or budget, plan a visit at least every 6 to 8 weeks. Your esthetician can make sure you are on track with your home skincare regimen and will take care of any problems that may arise.

7. Relieve Stress and Relax – This step isn’t taken seriously enough. While you are busy in all your efforts to boost your immunity with antioxidants and proper nutrition, stress is busy destroying all your work. Your body’s cells need rest to rejuvenate. If you don’t give it time, you will see the effects on your skin. The stress you ignore results in destruction of supportive tissue that you need to keep your skin alive and healthy. Practice stress relieving behaviors and get proper rest each day to give your skin what it needs way before you start applying your skin care regime.

Your skin won’t wait for you to make up your mind to start a skin care regimen – it will just go right ahead and keep aging. But, with the help of a skin care professional to guide you, you can choose the right products and skin care regimen that suits both your skin and your budget. Your skin will be at its healthiest and most youthful when you follow these basic methods. Start today and enjoy a lifetime of great skin!

Skin protection starts with professional skin care. Charlotte Field offers Day Spa Facials in Pensacola, Florida and specializes in Anti-aging, Relaxation and Results. Learn more about Charlotte’s services at