Green Tea For Acne Breakouts
July 2, 2011 by David King
Filed under Skin Care
There are many acne treatments and solutions in the market and many people suffer from acne and are looking for the best alternative to help them out. In my research and throughout the years of having acne personally I discovered that there are many things that effect whether your skin is clear or not. I discovered that diet actually does have a pretty big impact on your skin and that you should take care of your health to get clear skin.
I learned that most people don’t give their body enough nutrition. They are lacking vitamins, minerals and anti-oxidants which work to keep the skin clear and healthy. During this time I had acne and started experimenting with my diet in order to change it and get my skin clear once again. I started eating more organic raw fruits and vegetables and limited or discontinued eating foods that were packaged with preservatives.
Another very valuable lesson that I learned was to drink more water. Most people are dehdyrated and they are dehydrating their skin in the process. This can cause your skin to dry out and it can cause your skin to cause acne as well. So if you have dry, flaky or acne prone skin or a combination of any of those then you are most likely dehdyrated. My recommendation is to drink 50% of your body weight in ounces of water each day and this will.
Green tea is a tea from asia that has many health benefits that benefit keeping your skin clear skin. Green tea is very potent and high in anti-oxidants which fight free radicals and oxidative stress in the body. It also protects against sun damage on the skin as well as being anti-bacterial, fungal and an anti-carcinogenic. Green tea really benefits your skin and helps keep it clear so I highly recommend you get some organic green tea and have a cup or two each day. Green tea is also anti-inflammatory so it helps the inflammation of the acne decrease and heal as well.
To learn how I cleared my acne with Acne Erasing Secrets And the secret acne cleanse visit my site below!
David “The Skin” King
To Discover How You Can Cure Your Acne Treatment Ebook DIet Naturally From Home Go To: Acne Law Of Attraction , and Acne Treatment Ebook
Clear Up Acne Naturally
June 15, 2011 by David King
Filed under Skin Care
Acne is a tough and hard skin condition to deal with. It is caused by imbalances in the body which will lead to the breakouts in the skin. This causes problems in the skin and in the body with toxin buildup. I have helped countless people clear up their acne and get clear skin once again with the power of holistic health and through a good healthy clean diet.
One of the first big recommendations that I give to people is to use natural skin care products instead of the traditional skin care products that you are currently using. Most skin care products contain toxic chemicals and preservatives that cause problems and block the pores from breathing and being healthy.
I recommend that you drink more spring or purified water on a daily basis because this cleanses and detoxes your body internally which you need more of. Water hydrates the skin and cleans it out like nothing else and if you are dehydrated then you need more of it.
Another thing that I recommend you do is to eat more healthy foods such as raw organic fruits and vegetables. These contain enzymes, minerals, vitamins and anti-oxidants which work to keep your skin healthy and clear. I also recommend that you get probiotics in your diet because your gut probably has more bad bacteria than good bacteria because most people that have acne have this imbalance. It’s almost guaranteed!
To learn more about how I got rid of my acne naturally go below and click the link.
David “The Skin” king
To Discover How You Can Clear Your Acne Naturally From Home Go Below And Click The Link to Visit The Website Acne, and Acne
Holistic Acne Treatments & Cures
April 9, 2011 by David King
Filed under Skin Care
Acne can be a real tough condition to deal with especially when you are young because it’s hard to have self-confidence and self worth in yourself with yourself when your face is covered in pimples and zits. This is a hard thing to deal with but thankfully I have been and your shoes and can help you get rid of your acne naturally with holistic treatments from home.
There are many things that you can do but I only have room to cover a few of them in this article so make sure to check out the youtube channel “Acne Erasing Secrets” to learn more. One thing I recommend is very effective and natural is apple cider vinegar as an acne treatment. Apple cider vinegar is a liquid that is made from apple cider and vinegar which make’s it acidic in nature but alkalizing in the body.
When you put apple cider vinegar on your skin it sometimes stings and burns because of what it’s doing. This liquid naturally kills bad bacteria and cleanse the pores very well which is one of the main reasons I recommend it. It also cleanse dead skin cells making room for new skin cells to grow. I recommend that you spray this on your face with a spray bottle and you can also use it in your water by drinking it as well. Drinking it cleanses your internal organs of the toxins that break out of your skin and cause acne.
I recommend that you get the brand braggs because this company seems to make the best product and they also have organic as well which I highly recommend. Another thing that I recommend that you do is to drink more clean pure water each day. I recommend spring or purified water because these are high quality. You should drink 50% of your body weight in ounces of water each day to stay hydrated and give your body the hydration it needs to keep your body clean and pure internally and to cleanse toxins as well.
To learn more about how to get rid of acne naturally and holistically click the link to visit my website below! take care and have a great day!
David “The Skin” King
To Discover How You Can Get Rid Of Acne Holistically Go To:Best Acne Treatment In The World, and Acne Secrets