Using Antibiotics in Acne Treatment

March 5, 2010 by  
Filed under Uncategorized

Acne in adolescents usually disappears on its own and rarely leaves permanent scars. But to avoid the possibility of scarring, you should talk to your doctor and get a prescription medication for eliminating acne. The typical treatment for acne is a systemic approach, most commonly in the form of antibiotics.

Coming from the sebaceous skin glands after bacteria attacks these glands, acne proves to be a persistent inflammatory disease. The face, chest, and back are all places on the body that are commonly infected. The characteristic features of acne are the increased secretion of sebum and inflammation around the sebaceous gland. There are a variety of acne treatments on the market to use for this condition, but the most effective treatment is usually a course of antibiotics.

Depending on the severity of the acne, either oral or topical antibiotics will be prescribed by your physician. Usually, treating acne requires the long-term use of antibiotics. It takes patience to treat and cure acne as a number of approaches may be required to eliminate it completely; sometimes the entire process can take several months.

One of the oral antibiotics used in acne treatment is tetracycline. However, if you are pregnant, you should not take this medication, as it may disturb the absorption of the hormone progesterone. Other oral antibiotics used for treating acne are doxycycline, minocycline and erythromycin. Erythromycin is very effective in controlling the pathogens responsible for causing acne as well as at controlling Gram-positive infections.

Caution must be taken during antibiotic treatment, and the medicine needs to be used sparingly. Antibiotics kill all the bacteria in your body, which is great when you need to take control of bacteria that has gone haywire. However, there are also good bacteria killed in the process, so it is highly recommended to take a probiotic supplement to replace the good bacteria while you’re on the antibiotics.

On the pharmacist’s shelf in lotion, gel, or cream forms are clindamycin, erythromycin, and tetracycline, three topical antibiotics that prove effective many times. Because tough organisms can create colonies sometimes, there are dangers associated with employing such topical antibiotics, and this is a downside to their effectiveness against acne.

Talk to your doctor about all the options available in treating and preventing acne. Some individuals discover that the oral treatments work best for them, and other people find that topical antibiotics work most effectively. It may be necessary for you to try out more than one treatment before you find the one that works best for you.

Acne is a serious skin condition that can happen to anyone, regardless of their age or habits. The good news is that there are some very effective ways to clear up the problem, whether you’re looking at curing body acne or dealing with outbreaks on your face. Learn more at Curing Acne.

At Home Acne Treatment: Become a Shining Light in Your Own Life

November 20, 2009 by  
Filed under Skin Care

Acne is such a debilitating problem for many people. It will drive you into your home and make you a recluse for many years. It not only affects your emotional world but it stifles your chances at opportunities in life as well. To this end, at home acne treatment is the answer and can be used with great success. There are many different treatments on the market today, made especially for your skin type.

Instead of spending thousands of dollars at a skin specialist, why not try treating your problem yourself? It is affordable and the nice thing about it is that you can treat yourself in the privacy of your own home. The kit you choose will be specially made up for your skin type and you need not take it to a doctor for him to administer. The products are safe and are herbal based.

Once you have your products, it is really important to develop a routine that is well-suited to your life style. You need to be persistent to get to the goal of a clearer skin, obtained with dedication and patience. Look at your diet as well. Start eating healthy and more natural foods and stop eating fast foods. Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day and avoid soda drinks. Keep your skin clean and dry but don’t over wash.

Investigate your emotional state as well. Do you have really big issues that you cannot resolve? Why not see a counselor who could help you in dealing with them. Many times our inner state will be reflected by our outer state. In your case it could be your acne. You need to start accepting that you are a special and unique human being. One who has the potential to become a bright and shining star in any field you choose.

Look at yourself in the mirror and say to yourself that you are lovable, and soon you will find someone who will accept you for who you are on the inside. Read self help books if you can to boost your confidence. You have the ability to change your situation with your mind.

To sum up, you need to take charge of your situation and not just sit back and accept your fate. It is nonsense to think that you must spend the rest of your life thinking that you are a loser. Get your at home acne treatment today and become a light in your own life.

Acne is a serious skin condition that can happen to anyone, regardless of their age or habits. The good news is that there are some very effective ways to clear up the problem, from home remedies to more invasive procedures such as laser treatment. Learn more at Curing Acne.