The Best Tips To Anti Aging Skin

October 6, 2011 by  
Filed under Skin Care

Discovering you have wrinkles is often a bit depressing; however there are ways in which you can slow down the rate that you age. You could try to use an anti aging skin cream but these are not as effective as some of the more natural ways to prevent lines occurring. There are no miracle cures but there are effective preventatives.

The first way to fighting off the wrinkles is by addressing your diet and the affect it is having on your body. The food you eat, air you breathe and life you lead all have a direct effect on the amount of Free Radicals you have in your blood stream.

These nasty cells are the reason why people age to soon. They seek out the healthy cells in your body. Then they destroy the cell, and this reaction causing your face or body to look old. Try to reduce the chemical intake that you consume. You can effectively do this by seeking out more organic natural products sourced from your area. Cut out the processed foods, these are sprayed with preservatives which are toxic to your body.

Smokers are known to age earlier, in fact many women stop smoking because they do not like the effect it has on their skin. Each smoke contains thousands of known chemicals which are poisonous. Stop smoking to stop the wrinkles coming, and you will be living healthier too.

By making these simple changes you can seriously slow down the speed at which your face or body will age. By cutting out the free radicals you will have skin which is healthier and retain its softness for longer.

Creams are great for the top layers of your face or body, but the wrinkles are more effective by the things which you consume. Drink eight glasses of water a day to keep your system flushed out and hydrated.

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