Smoking Causes Wrinkles

July 14, 2009 by  
Filed under Wrinkle Care

Can smoking cause wrinkles? According to many experts, the answer is yes because it accelerates the normal aging process of your skin and contributes to wrinkles from appearing. You will not be able to see the direct effects of smoking immediately but it can after you have smoked for 10 years or so and the bad news is that this is irreversible.

Smoking is ranked only second to sun exposure as the leading cause of wrinkles. It interferes with the absorption of Vitamin A and C both of which provide us with skin protection. This is because nicotine the main ingredient in cigarettes promotes dehydration.

It also narrows the blood vessels in the outermost layers of the skin. THIs impairs blood flow depleting it of oxygen and important nutrients such as Vitamin A. It also damages collagen and elastin. These are both fibers that give your skin its strength and elasticity making it sag and wrinkle prematurely.

The heat from the cigarette causes irritation around the eyes and forces the smoker to squint more. This leads to increased wrinkles especially around the eyes. You will also develop hollowed cheeks around the mouth from many years of dragging this in between your lips.

This has also led doctors to believe that there is a relationship between wrinkles in the mouth and COPD or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease as this may to airflow obstruction.

Aside from the wrinkles forming on your face, this will also be evident in other parts of the body including the inner arms even if these areas are covered by your clothes.

If you have been smoking for a very long time, someone who is in their 30s may have similar wrinkles to a nonsmoker who is already in his or her 50s.

So what is the morale of the story? Well, naturally quit smoking because no amount of anti-aging cream in the market will remove the wrinkles caused by cigarette smoking. Given that this vice is a habit, this is easier said than done so a lot of experts suggest that this should be done gradually.

If you fail to do so, you are just wasting time buying creams and moisturizers or even undergoing treatment with the help of a dermatologist because this will soon come back. What is worse is that these are very pricey.

If you are able to quit smoking, it also has other health benefits such as adding a few more years to your life and prevents you from being diagnosed with lung cancer and smoke related diseases in the future.

Aside from giving up this habit, you should also start by focusing on a healthy diet and exercise regularly. This will help bring blood to the surface of the skin and begin to replenish the capillaries with oxygen. You should also avoid drinking alcohol or caffeine as this also dehydrates the skin. To make sure you get your daily dose of Vitamin A and C, go take some food supplements.

Smoking causes wrinkles and other health related problems the longer you stick to this vice. Why should you wait before it is too late when you can look your age? If you can, quit right now because there are worse things than can happen aside from having wrinkles and your skin sag.

Skin Care Tips to Avoid Developing Wrinkles

July 14, 2009 by  
Filed under Wrinkle Care

If you are young, you still have ample of time to take care of your skin to stop wrinkles from developing while you are still at your prime. There are ways to do it that will not cause you a lot. And besides, there are more to your life now than to worry yourself about such occurrence. It will come at the right time. You are already battling it out with all kinds of blemishes including pimples, so do not yet worry about something that still isn’t visible.

But if you are careless about your skin, it doesn’t matter if you are old or young. You will develop lines in your faces if you will not take care of your skin as well as take good care of your body.

Skin Care Tips
You may be young and you want to experiment with every aspect of your life. For young girls, you may already be experimenting with make-ups and other chemicals that promise to contain your young look and fresh skin.

Here are some of the tips that you must follow in order to slow down the aging process of your skin. And oh by the way, this goes out to young boys as well.

1. It is a must to wash your face. But do not do this too often, especially if you do not have a water purifier installed in your house that your only source for this act is the water coming straight from the tap. It actually contains chlorine which can add to the risks of developing wrinkles fast. If this is the case, wash your face once a day. This way, you will be able to retain a good amount of moisture and oil on your skin.

2. In washing you face, use mild soap. Choose the brands that have moisturizers as part of the ingredients. Do not use soaps and even deodorants with alkaline. If it cannot be helped, just avoid it.

3. Choose a brand of moisturizer that is water based. After washing your face, use a clean and soft towel to pat your skin dry then add the moisturizer.

4. The sun also contributes a lot in developing lines on your face. What you must do to counter this is to apply sunscreen when you are going out. This should be applied even you are only going to be exposed to the sun’s rays for a short period of time.

5. The sleeping position can also contribute to slow down the process of developing the unwanted lines. You can try lying on your back when you are sleeping. But only do this if it will be comfortable for you. The effect of this act is that it will offset the gravity’s effects.

6. Avoid smoking. You are young and you may want to try it all. But this vice is really not going to do anything good to your skin. Plus, your health will also suffer through time. When are you going to quit? When people mistake you for a 40-year-old than the 20 something that you really are? You surely don’t want to take that route.

Everybody will develop wrinkles as they age. But while you are young and can still prevent it, do something about it. The abovementioned tips will hopefully do the trick for you.

Short Term Wrinkle Solutions

July 14, 2009 by  
Filed under Wrinkle Care

Wrinkles happen as we age. If you cant afford plastic surgery, there are short term wrinkle solutions you can use. The best part is that there are very few risks so you just have to consult with you dermatologist. Lets talk about each one in alphabetical order.

First is Botox which has been around for over 10 years. This is a protein toxin produced by the clostridium botulinum bacteria that is injected in small amounts into the body helping the muscles relax and make the lines disappear. It is effective in treating crows feet, forehead wrinkles, frown lines and laugh lines despite the fact that some studies show it causes new wrinkles to appear. It is good for 3 to 6 months and can be repeated.

Similar to Botox is collagen which has been used for over 25 years. It is used primarily as a tissue filler to soften lines around the mouth, to help augment lips, correct early degrees of muscle loss and erase acne scars. The injection is good for only 3 to 4 months. Before you can be injected with this protein, doctors will have to do some skin tests first to make sure you are not allergic.

There is a treatment called autologous fat transfer. Here, fat is removed from one part of the body and then it is used to fill the gaps caused by the wrinkles. Usually, fat is extracted from the buttocks, stomach or thighs. Since the patients fat is being used, there is no chance of allergic reactions taking place.

Another soft tissue filler is Restylane that is considered to be an injectable cosmetic treatment. This comes from hyaluronic acid which has proven to be very successful in Canada and Europe. Basically, this is a gel that is a basic component of the human skin. Unlike other procedures that fill in the gaps caused by wrinkles, this lets the skin cells float making it very suitable for large folds of skin often seen in the mouth and cheeks. This is effective for about 6 to 9 months with low incidence of allergic reactions.

Then there is also Hylaform which is an alternative to collagen and those who want to use it do not have to undergo an allergy test. Just like the rest, this has to be injected into the skin at regular intervals in order to treat wrinkles.

The procedures mentioned are not covered by insurance and do not have any health benefits. The only thing it can do is hide away those wrinkles for a few months and when they start to appear again, you have to go back to your dermatologist for the next treatment.

Apart from the short term wrinkle solutions, there are also home made treatments which you can use to treat and prevent pimples. Most of these use simple things you can buy at the grocery and you may have to mix some of them. You should clean your face first so the pores will open and it can be absorbed by the skin, left to dry before it is rinsed.

So are short term wrinkle solutions the way to go? If you want to avoid the pain that is often endured with other costly treatments and the long recovery time, then the answer is yes.

Over the Counter Wrinkle Removers

July 14, 2009 by  
Filed under Wrinkle Care

There are different ways of dealing with wrinkles. You can choose to undergo a procedure or apply something to the affected area. Over the counter wrinkle removers are very much in demand because they are affordable. To give you an idea, here are the things you can get the next time you head on over to the drug store.

First are alpha hydroxyl acids or AHA. These products are water soluble and one example is Glycolic acid cream that helps remove hyper pigmentations and helps with photo damage, thickening of the dermal collagen and increase cellular turnover.

AHAs contain lactic acids and when you buy this from the store, you should get the kind that has higher concentrations as lower ones cause irritation.

Next there is betahydroxy acids or BHA. These are lipid soluble. Most of the products in the market are exfoliants, anti-inflammatory and comedolytic. These are sold by some of the most popular names in the business and often recommended by dermatologists.

Combination hydroxy acids or CHA have both the ingredients of AHA and BHA. Dont think that buying the first two products and then mixing it together will have the same effect because it wont as each has its own pH level.

There are also products that have enzymes. The nice thing about it is that these are not irritating and it only digests the dead skin layer. It also stimulates cell turnover and allows other products to penetrate the skin. Two of the most common happen to be fruits namely papaya and pineapple.

Then there are the topical products. These are available in vitamin A, C and E and purchased in the form of creams and lotions. Vitamin A for instance reduces and eliminates wrinkles by breaking down the free radicals in the body. Vitamins C and E on the other hand are antioxidants and also does the same thing.

Something that can work with Vitamin C and E are alpha lipioc acids because it is also an anti-oxidant. It works by penetrating the cell membrane to eliminate free radicals that have already been broken down.

To find the best over the counter wrinkle remover takes time. This is because you have to compare how one does over the other. To help you out, you can try visiting various websites that have gathered all the information you need such as the price, its effectiveness, quality and wrinkle cream ratings. With this information, you will be able to find the right one for you to use.

Some people who are skeptic about this online information say that one brand is said to be better than the other because he or she was paid to make it look that way. In the end, you have to try it out to see who is telling the truth. If you are able to find something that works, why change it? You should just stick with what you have until something better and more affordable comes along.

None of the over the counter wrinkle removers will perform a miracle overnight. You will have to use it consistently for days or even weeks before you see any results because again, these wrinkles occurred over time. Whatever you use, make sure that you only use the kind that is of good quality with the right combination of vitamins and nutrients.

Nine Wrinkle Fighting Foods

July 14, 2009 by  
Filed under Wrinkle Care

A proper diet can help us maintain a healthy lifestyle. If you dont want to have creases on your face or your skin, you should know what wrinkle fighting foods are good to eat. Here are nine examples.

1. Spinach and other green leafy vegetables are good because it contains lutein that helps give the skin its essential antioxidant mechanism by maintaining skin hydration and elasticity. Ideally, you should eat about 10mg of this daily which is about 4oz of this vegetable.

2. Beans are another because they are rich in antioxidants. Among the different kinds, red beans are the best because it contains the highest number of antioxidants that helps replace deteriorated collagen of the skin.

3. Tomatoes are another because just like beans they have antioxidants and also lycopene. A substance that reduces the risk of developing cancer and happens to be more powerful than Vitamin E supplements which are used to help the skin stay healthy. The best part about eating tomatoes is that you can eat this together with pasta, salad or a sandwich.

4. Aside from vegetables, turkey helps prevent wrinkles because it is rich in Vitamin B. It also has protein that slows the process in the skin known as cross-linking. So dont wait until Thanksgiving to add this to your diet.

5. Goji berries are rich in Vitamin C that will help fight free radicals that damage the skin. Believe it or not, they contain 500 times more Vitamin C per ounce than what you get from oranges. It also has antioxidants such as vitamin B1, B2, B6 and E as well as linoleic acid, an essential fat that plumps up the skin making it look smoother and younger.

6. Flaxseed is rich in Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids. You can mix this with other dishes like cookies and bread. The more you eat, the plumper your skin cells will be thus hiding away those wrinkles.

7. Beetroot is another vegetable that can help prevent wrinkles as it is low in calories and high in fiber. It also contains antioxidants and a pigment called anthocyanins that are known to support collagen production in the skin. You can cook this in a variety of ways such as curried, boiled, roasted and pickled.

8. Many of us see chocolates simply as a delightful snack or as a dessert. But few of us know that this contains polyphenol, a substance that rids the body of the active oxygen that causes aging. Not only that, it can also protect against UV damage which is also one of the causes of skin aging.

9. Salmon just like flaxseed contains Omega 3 fatty acids which reduce inflammation and helps lubricate the skin.

There are other things we can eat aside from the 9 examples mentioned to prevent wrinkles from happening. You should consult with your doctor or do some research on your own so you will know how to plan your diet.

Aside from eating, you shouldnt forget to exercise regularly and drink lots of water so your skin remains flexible and hydrated at all times. You shouldnt drink or smoke as this also helps the skin stay young and wrinkle free.

There are wrinkle fighting foods around. Know what they are and then get these items from the grocery store.

Natural Ways to Go about Wrinkle Reduction and Prevention

July 14, 2009 by  
Filed under Wrinkle Care

With the development of science and medicines, there are many ways that are claiming to cause wrinkle reduction as well as its prevention. But not everybody will have same reaction towards what the technology is presenting to them. There are effective ways to counter the problem without having to spend too much.

Signs of Aging

There are many signs of aging. And everybody will go to such process because this is natural. As you grow old, you will no longer have the capacity to carry out certain tasks. If you excel in sports while you were at your prime, your skills will disintegrate as your age zooms up. This is because of the bodily changes that is happening and will be happening to all people who will experience aging.

But this is not a bad thing. If you have lived your life to its fullest, you will no longer have anything to worry about once you feel the changes. But if it’s just wrinkles that you are concerned about, more than the rheumatism, body pains, arthritis and all those pains that come with age, here are some of the natural ways to slow the process.

Reducing the Lines

If you see the lines on your face getting deeper and more pronounced, the first thing you have to do is look at your lifestyle. Yes, that simple. There is no need to head on to your trusted cosmetic surgeon. But there is also nothing wrong with that as long as you consult the right professional who has all the accreditations, education and practice.

But for those of you who want to do this the natural way, here are some tricks and tips that have worked wonders for many people. You never know, these may also work for you in reducing those unwanted lines.

1. Healthy diet

Eat right and your skin will benefit in the process. Include in your diet fresh fruits, vegetables as well as whole grains. Cook your food using healthy oils like olive oil that can also be used in salads and the likes. This will protect your skin against what you call oxidative stress. Following this step will allow you to live up to your 70s with only few lines. The reason for this is the high levels of compounds that are anti oxidants which can be found on most of these foods.

2. Exercise

This will not only make your muscles stronger, this will also help you maintain a glowing skin. Doing your daily exercises will keep your blood flowing. It will then bring oxygen to your skin.

3. Avoid the vices

Having the vices like smoking and drinking can be bad for the skin. These will increase the lines and creases on your face as you age. Add the fact that these are also not good for your health.

4. Avoid stressing yourself out

When you are young, you always want to prove your self worth. But as you age and when you’ve already proven what you meant, stay out of the stressful life’s route. That will not only cause you hypertension but it will also cause your skin to wrinkle easily.

5. Stay happy

Happy people look younger than those who are always gloomy. They are pleasant to look at. Their skin is as vibrant as their personality. So look for ways to find your happiness and stay in that zone as long as it takes. That will surely make your goal of wrinkle reduction an achievable feat.

Modern approaches to skin wrinkle treatment

July 14, 2009 by  
Filed under Wrinkle Care

From old wives tales to home crafted traditional concoctions, many have come up with a variety of skin care treatments that have been effective and not, but nowadays, one can be sure about the efficacy of modern approaches to skin wrinkle treatment.

If one can say that modern-day skin wrinkle treatments are very expensive, think again.

Todays modern technology not only gives focus to how it can make breakthroughs effective, but also to make it more affordable so that it would be marketable and appeal to the public.

Lasers, one of humankinds breakthroughs in light amplification that has found a lot of uses and sometimes unthinkably and as we may not know it, have important uses in our day to day life.

For quite some time now, lasers have also carved a niche in skin wrinkle treatment and there are several laser-related processes that helps in combating wrinkles.

One of the most common uses of the laser treatment for wrinkles is laser resurfacing, where physicians use instruments such as carbon dioxide and erbium lasers.

This is a somewhat similar process as dermabrasion, where a treating physician uses a rotary instrument to sand the skin to achieve a certain smoothness, the only difference is that laser technology is employed to facilitate the treatment process.

The edge of laser resurfacing over dermabrasion, however, is that it has a greater reliability, precision and less risk.

In this process, the laser is passed several times over the skin area to be treated until the peeling reaches the middle of the dermis the second layer of the skin, which helps stimulate the bodys natural collagen synthesis, causing the sagging skin and wrinkles to plump up and make it appear firmer and smoother.

Some medical practitioners perform laser resurfacing under conscious sedation, where a patient remains awake and receives intravenous medicines to ease and calm the pain.

This is also combined with the application of topical anesthetic creams or injectable anesthetics like lidocaine.

The procedure may be repeated several times to achieve desired results, however, there is still the risk of causing permanent color change or scarring.

Another newer laser treatment procedure is fractional resurfacing, where newer and enhanced laser apparatus work through a modification of traditional laser resurfacing.

This form of treatment does not affect the whole skin but instead only evenly on evenly spaced spots surrounded by undamaged skin.

With fractional resurfacing, healing is much faster than the traditional laser resurfacing treatment but with less downtime as a result.

As with other laser treatments, several treatment sessions are needed to achieve desired results.

There is also another laser treatment called non-ablative laser resurfacing where modified and intensified lasers stimulate collagen synthesis under the skin without peeling or damaging the epidermis.

Studies have concluded that non-ablative laser resurfacing can actually improve fine wrinkles, though not as much a laser resurfacing.

All the same, several treatment sessions are also required to achieve significant results and the procedures are almost painless with little or no redness, downtime or peeling after the laser treatments.

Another process that involved heat and light is heat and radio frequency treatment is another variation of non invasive facial rejuvenation is by heating the skin tissue using radio frequency-inducing devices and infrared light sources.

As of today, techniques are still being developed to better improve the treatment process, but most, if not all results, have actually yielded positive effects and have been described to be safe, as well as produce a significant and lasting improvements, though not as much as surgical techniques like facelifts and plastic surgery.

All the same, as long as there is the desire to look for better alternatives and processes to counter the effects of wrinkles, all these modern approaches to skin wrinkle treatment will continue to produce more happy people in the days to come.

List of Good Anti Wrinkle Creams

July 14, 2009 by  
Filed under Wrinkle Care

What are wrinkles and what are your choices for good anti wrinkle creams? Wrinkles may be a sign of aging. But not all people develop such at the same point of their lives. Some people start to show the unwanted lines while they are still young and even at their prime. While other people only show such signs long after they had their granddaughters and grandsons.

There are many factors that may affect the wrinkle development. One important thing is the genes. Some are lucky when it comes to this. They look young and wrinkle free even if they are already considered old. This may also be attributed to the lifestyle. If you have developed vices such as drinking and smoking, it is more likely that your skin will look older than the people who are leading the vices-free route of living. And also, the food you eat is another important consideration. If you are eating right and healthy, this will also be visible on your skin.

There are actually a lot of factors to consider and to look under scrutiny when it comes to wrinkles. But first, lets go deep into what causes such. Below your skins top layer, the collagen breakdown causes such unwanted lines. So what do you do in order to prevent or cure it? Solve the problem. You have to keep on producing collagen to avoid its breakdown. You have to do so while keeping away from harmful factors on your skin like the suns harmful rays, pollution and even stress caused by pressure and too much hard work.

Here are some of the known creams to help you prevent wrinkles or ease the lines through time.

1. Retinoid. This vitamin A is a must ingredient for an effective cream for wrinkles. It doesnt only prevent, it will keep the already developed lines from deepening further. Examples of products that have this are Retin-A, Differin and Renova. This must be used before you sleep and if the problem is not yet at its worse, you can use this every other night.

2. Sunscreen. Research about wrinkles and you will find out that its number one source is too much exposure in the sun. As long as it is daytime, you need to protect your skin with sunscreen. It doesnt matter if it looks like it is going to rain or if it is cloudy, you still need the kind of protection that this cream can give you. It is recommended to use this product extensively over the face and the neck as well as at the top of your hands. You dont want to have a young looking skin with old looking hands.

3. Antioxidants. By taking in products that claim to have such ingredients, you will be able to fight collagen breakdown. You can opt for drinks like the green tea. You can also take Vitamins C and E. You can also ask for coenzyme Q10. All these will work fine in protecting your skin from developing wrinkles due to problems with the collagen. One popular product now that is available in the market that contains antioxidants is the Prevage cream. The main factor about this is its ingredient known as the idebenone.

Ask around or research thoroughly about this topic. It is a vital need to find the suitable anti wrinkle creams that can work wonders depending on your skin type. So do not end the search until you find the right one.

Home Remedies for Wrinkles

July 14, 2009 by  
Filed under Wrinkle Care

Having wrinkles on your face or on your body is a normal fact of life. You can accept it for what it is or do something about it. Instead of buying expensive creams and moisturizers, perhaps you can try some home remedies that have proven to be effective against wrinkles.

You can apply egg whites under the eyes. For those that want to prevent wrinkles, you may also use odor free castor oil and put this to the skin, under the eyes or the throat.

Those who want to make their own cleansers can do so by emptying the contents of 3 Vitamin E capsules into a small bowl and then mixing this with 2 tablespoons of plain yogurt, half a tablespoon of honey as well as half a tablespoon of lemon juice. When this is mixed together, you get a cotton ball and rub this on your face and leave it on for 10 minutes then rinse.

Another mixture may come from a quarter cup of comfrey infusion, a quarter cup of witch hazel and 10 drops of patchouli essential oil. What is nice about it is that you can store the excess in a clean bottle so you can use it again later on.

You may also mix 1 teaspoon of raspberry juice with one teaspoon of orange juice, a teaspoon of olive oil, whipped egg yolk and 2 tablespoons of grind oatmeal. After mixing everything, you wait 20 minutes and smear this on the face. Once it dries, you wash this off with warm water.

If you happen to have coconut oil around, apply this in skin pore areas nightly before going to bed. For those that pineapple at home, you can cut this open and then rub the core of the fruit on your face for 10 to 15 minutes before rinsing.

You can also use green Thompson seedless grapes. Once you cut this in half, you gently crush this on your face so the juice will be absorbed by the skin. Make sure to leave it there for 20 minutes, rinse with warm water and then let it dry with natural air.

A paste of turmeric made with sugarcane juice can also be used as it has proven to be effective in getting rid of wrinkles and slow skin aging.

No matter what you use, be sure to have regular facials as this is very effective in controlling wrinkles. You should also give yourself a facial massage as this helps increase blood circulation which results in the tightening of the muscles which reduces the fleshiness of the skin and restores your youthful look.

When you do this, make sure you always start from the neck upwards and then end at the forehead. A faster way of doing this will require using all your fingers and massaging rapidly in a circular motion. If there are wrinkles on the jaw, pinch the skin between your thumb and fingers.

Before you apply any of the home remedies for wrinkles on the face, make sure you clean the area first with wet cotton so you are able to remove make up and be able to open the pores on the skin. If you need to go outdoors, the only thing you can do to protect yourself from the sun is to use a pair of sunglasses and wear a hat which helps delay the onset of wrinkles on the sides of the eyes strangely referred to as crows feet.

Getting Rid of Wrinkles

July 14, 2009 by  
Filed under Wrinkle Care

If you think that women are the only ones that deal with wrinkles, think again because men also have this problem as they age. Fortunately, there are things we can do on our own to help get rid of wrinkles.

For those who smoke, you should stop immediately. Studies have shown that this activates premature aging or what is better known as photo aging which is why someone in their 30s will look like a person that is already in their 50s.

Overexposure to the sun causes wrinkles. You can prevent that from happening by staying indoors between 10 am to 4pm. If you have to go out, make sure you have sun screen on that will protect you from ultraviolet A and B rays.

If you drink, you better also give up the habit because apart from health related problems, alcohol causes severe dehydration. If the body does not have enough water, the skin becomes thinner making is sag. The only solution of course will be to drink lots of fluid. Ideally this should be 8 glasses of water a day as this plays a key role in maintaining healthy skin complexion.

Aside from water, you should also maintain a proper diet. You should include here 5 servings of vegetables and a serving of fruit in our daily meals. Some examples of these that are rich in antioxidants include asparagus, brussel sprouts, broccoli, cantaloupe, guava, papaya and pineapple.

Other things that can be used include olive oil, nuts and whole grains. Since we also need some protein and meats, add fish to your diet as it contains Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids which are best broiled or baked.

To complete your diet, dont forget to take some supplements. These should at least give you sufficient amounts of vitamins A, B, C and E as these protect us from free radicals.

For some, the presence of wrinkles is already there. When that happens, the only thing to do now is to find ways to remove it. For that, you will have to rely on creams and other procedures that can be done by a dermatologist. Some examples of these include chemical peels, laser surgery and injections.

Some of these procedures have short term effects while others which are more expensive are for the long term. You just have to get yourself examined by the specialist to find out which one is suited to your condition and of course, what is within your budget.

You should only use mild soaps when getting rid of wrinkles. This is because strong soaps does the exact opposite and only makes the skin less healthy and more prone to wrinkles forming as it kills the top layers of skin and seeping the oil out of the layers of skin below that. If you dont heed this warning, you will regret it with the presence in the number and deepness of these wrinkles.

Getting rid of wrinkles is challenging especially when it is already on your face and body. Regardless of what beauty product you buy, these will not go away overnight in the same manner that they appeared on your face. If money is no object, then go for a procedure.

All of us have a different way of addressing this problem and with the budget setting our limits; we simply have to use whatever resources there are to make it go away.

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