Can You Contact Jock Itch From Other People

March 13, 2011 by  
Filed under Skin Care

If you have jock itch then you will develop a rash in the groin area. A fungal infection causes jock itch. This rash can spread to other places such as the upper thighs, buttocks and occasionally to the lower abdomen. There are those jock itch sufferers out there that will have one case of jock itch after another. This is why we need to answer the question is jock itch contagious?

As stated above, jock itch is caused by a fungus. However, few people realize this particular fungus is one of many fungi that live in your body naturally. These fungi reside peacefully until conditions become right for them to thrive. Individuals that do a lot of sweating and those that wear wet clothing for long period of time are creating the perfect medium for these fungi to grow. The groin area is warm and moist, which means the fungi can start to flourish. Friction caused by tight clothing will contribute to the development of jock itch also. Men are more susceptible to jock itch due to their anatomy. But it is not unheard of for women to get it also.

But is jock itch contagious? Normally, a healthy individual does not need to be concerned about getting jock itch from casual contact with another. You cannot get jock itch from a toilet seat, and you can’t get it by shaking hands with an infected individual. However, if you engage in sexual activity with someone who has jock itch this will increase your changes for getting it. Skin to skin contact can transfer the fungi to you. Not showering after sex with an infected individual will increase your risk. If you have a weakened immune system your risk for infection will go up significantly.

The good thing about jock itch is it can be treated easily. You first need to take steps to keep it from getting worse. This means changing out of sweaty or wet clothes immediately and taking a shower. Dry your genital area thoroughly after the shower. To avoid spreading this fungus to other areas of your body, you should use a separate towel. Once dry, get a natural jock itch cream and apply it to your rash. A good cream that has natural ingredients will be very effective without causing further irritation to your inflamed skin. You need to use this cream as directed to cure your jock itch.

If you want to protect yourself from the fungi that causes jock itch, it is important that you stay healthy. The best way to do this is to take good care of yourself by eating healthy and getting lots of exercise. You should also drink lots of water to flush your system of harmful toxins. Is jock itch contagious? If you are healthy you should not have to worry about it.

To find the answer to is jock itch contagious and a cream to cure it click is jock itch contagious.

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