Sports Nutrition Information.
September 14, 2011 by Owen Jones
Filed under Skin Care
Sports nutrition does not only apply to sports men and women. Sports nutrition knowledge is applicable to everyone who wants to get fit and eat decent quality food in order to give the body all the goodness it requires to get you through the day.
Nutrition is all embracing: healthy nutrition means that your body gets energy from decent food; that your brain and your nerves get the right nutrients to be able to function in the correct manner and that you eat the right type of foodstuffs in order to help your blood and internal organs carry out their functions.
This information is invaluable to sports people because they want to perform to their utmost capability and often there is a lot of money at stake, but it is still relevant to all of us who have more modest physical goals.
Running a marathon or lifting large weights requires a great deal of energy and it takes a lot out of the body. Once the task has been carried out, the body has to recover its strength. On a lesser scale we all have to do this at the end of every day, having carried out our daily tasks.
Nutritionists have discovered that certain foods and some food combinations aid the delivery of energy and the recuperation afterwards. Therefore, if you eat the right foods, you ought to feel more alert and more energetic and not be so tired at the end of the day.
It seems that calcium is a major nutrient for general levels good health. Acquiring your ‘Recommended Daily Amount’ (RDA) of calcium will give you ‘staying power’. Furthermore, it will assist you to not feel hungry, so it should also help in any diet meant to make you lose weight.
Another nutrient with a likewise beneficial function is the Omega essential fatty acids group. However, there seems to be a great deal of confusion about the Omegas. There are quite a few of them, but the two main ones that we need are Omega 3 and Omega 6.
Most people get too much Omega 6 and not enough Omega 3, which many individuals blame for the rise in the incidence of heart disease, atherosclerosis, arthritis, obesity and lots more ‘contemporary’ diseases. Then there are two kinds of Omega 3.
Omega 3 short chain molecule fatty acids, which can be obtained from lots of land-based foods and the Omega 3 long chain molecule fatty acids which are only obtainable from aquatic sources. These are the ones most individuals are lacking and lacking in serious proportions.
So, ensuring a regular provision of merely these two nutrients could go a long way to making you feel more vibrant, less tired and more likely to bounce back after a difficult day.
The first thing to do is check the RDA of calcium and Omega 3 (DHA AND EPA) from fish oil and / or kelp or seaweed and make sure that you are getting that in your diet.
This is not all the sports nutrition knowledge you should know, but maybe it will motivate you to carry out further research.
Owen Jones, the writer of this article, writes on a number of subjects, and is now concerned with super omega 3. If you want to know more, please go to our web site at Omega 6 9