Surprising Methods For Blackhead Removal

April 24, 2010 by  
Filed under Skin Care

Getting acne is never fun. Some people get lucky and only get a few pimples here and there. The rest of us aren’t so lucky and suffer from horrible outbreaks that seem to last days, months, or even years. Blackheads are even worse, and make you too ashamed to even leave the house. But don’t worry, as there are some pretty effective blackhead removal methods out there.

The first thing to recognize is that although they look like they are dirt, or make it seem they are there for the reason that your pores are dirty, that’s not the valid reason. The reason is just due to the organization of the object that produces the pimple. Part of it is open, and air gets in and oxidizes part of it, turning it black. They are no more dirty, or clean, than usual acne. So don’t deduce you are some terrible unclean monster if you develop blackheads.

There in reality are some pretty effective means of getting rid of blackheads. You can get a blackhead removal tool, or you can construct your own. Blackhead removal tools are little sticks with a hollow end on one side that you put over your blackhead. Then you can slowly twist it until it grabs the blackhead, and then slowly pull it out. If you are in a pinch, and don’t have one of these tools nearby, you can use the inside part of a ballpoint pen. They work just as well.

Another regular method to dig out blackheads is to use tape, or wax. The tape will stick onto the blackhead, and then when you lure the tape off, the blackhead comes with it. Wax works the same way. You apply the wax, wait for it to dry, and then lure it off. You can either do this yourself, or have it done professionally. Either way works just as well.

One way to enhance both of these techniques is to take a good long steam bath ahead of doing them. That way your pores will open up a little bit, and make the blackhead a lot easier to pull out. Again, if you are in a pinch, you can hold your face over a basin filled with hot water for a couple minutes. Then either use the ballpoint pen practice, or the tape technique.

Of course, once you’ve detached the blackhead, you run the risk of infection as you now have an open spot on your skin that germs can get inside of. So it’s essential to keep the area clean and germ free. If you have some anti-bacterial soap, then it would be a decent idea to rinse with this soap on a customary basis.

If you would like to quickly and effortlessly get rid of your acne for good, come on by the blackhead removal resource page today.

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