The Benefits of Vegan Soap

June 12, 2011 by  
Filed under Skin Care

Definition of veganism

A vegan is a person who has chosen not to eat or consume any animal products. Animal products include the flesh of an animal, but it also includes the biproducts of an animal including its milk, eggs, or honey. Most vegans also opt out of wearing fur, leather, wool, down, and cosmetic products that have been tested on animals.

Why would someone become a vegan?

Many popular reasons for choosing veganism is for religious, philosophic, moral, health, ecological, or dietetic reasons. But some people just prefer this lifestyle.

Why vegan soaps?

This may seem like an obvious question, with the answer being: soap. However, most soaps contain animal fat. In fact, in order to be considered a soap, it must have lye and fat in the ingredient listing. These creates a very peculiar position for the vegan who has chosen to abstain from using animal products. In which case, a vegan soap alternative must be found for them to use. Luckily, vegan soaps are now popping up everywhere.

What fats are in vegan soaps?

Vegan soaps normally contain palm oil, coconut oil, or both. The best vegan soaps contain both. This is because they both have highly beneficial properties that make the soap even better. First palm oil is incredibly high in beta carotene. In fact, it has more beta carotene that a carrot! The second fat, coconut oil, is also very important. It has the most amazing cleansing and moisturizing properties available in an oil.

Where can vegan soaps be found?

Vegan soaps can be purchased in a wide variety of places, including farmers markets, health food stores, and flea markets. But our favorite store is online. It’s called iVi Scents. They have a wide variety of vegan soaps to choose from that come in several different colors and scents.

Want to find out more about the benefits of vegan soap? Then visit our website and choose the best vegan soaps for your needs.

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